Thought Leader Life 650: Guest Andrea Adams-Miller
Be profitable with your publicity and publishing while building social capital and reaching your dreams. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Andrea Adams-Miller (, international publicist, motivational keynote speaker, sponsorship acquisitionist, corporate business consultant, certified neuro-linguistic practitioner (NLP), certified hypnotherapist, bestselling author, and CEO/founder of “The RED Carpet Connection.”
Andrea is recognized as the American Association of University Women’s Young Leader of the Year,” Business and Professional Women’s “Young Careerist of the Year,” and a 3-time nominee as “The Top 20 Business Leaders Under 40” demonstrating her RED philosophy – relevance, enthusiasm, and delivery. She is passionate in helping dreamers implement action to achieve their dreams higher than they ever dared to desire.
If you’re a dreamer ready to make your dreams become more than just ideas but real ones come to life, consider reaching out to Andrea Adams-Miller by visiting her websites and
Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:
- Dreamers who dream bigger than they are achieving should reach out to Andrea Adams-Miller.
- I can help you scope out the details in your vision to seek what’s missing and solve it with publicity, marketing, conversions, joint ventures, etc. to achieve that dream. #RelevanceEnthusiasmDelivery @PublishProfit
- With my guidance, I can show you how to show up and learn how to improve yourself and your businesses to grow and expand your opportunities. #RelevanceEnthusiasmDelivery @PublishProfit
- Are you ready to invest in yourself with the best tools that you can experience? I can teach you how to share your message that makes an impact to your fans and followers. #RelevanceEnthusiasmDelivery
- My role is to provide you with solutions, services, courses, copy, sponsorship, and supplemental products that will help realize your dreams and get your name and brand out there. #RelevanceEnthusiasmDelivery @PublishProfit
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