
Thought Leader Life 670: Guest Piyanka Jain



Transforming your work by using data. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Piyanka Jain ( who is the President and CEO of Aryng. She is also an author, keynote and speaker.  She is changing the world one company at a time using statistical methods, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and AI.

Piyanka Jain is a leading expert in Data Literacy, building Data Culture, Machine Learning, Data Science and Analytics. She has developed the BADIR framework which enables 10X+ faster insights, 20X+ impact, and has driven $1b+ in business impact for her clients.

If you’re not leveraging the data that you already have inside your company, you should reach out to Piyanka Jain by visiting her website at or

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

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