Thought Leader Life 671: Guest Sarah Ross
Recover from burnout by prioritizing health. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Sarah Ross (, a burnout recovery expert and speaker.
Sarah Ross herself has gone through burnout and depression. Her story about taking her life has become a turning point to recover and to heal; so she utilizes her experience to help others deal with stress and burnout. She has been a part of a bestselling book called “Activate Your Life” where she collaborated with 50 top coaches across the globe.
If you are recognizing that you or the people on the team that you are working with experience burnout, reach out to Sarah Ross by visiting her website at or her LinkedIn profile at
Here are several AHA messages from this episode:
- Employees with mental health issues should reach out to Sarah Ross. #Burnout @SarahKRoss
- I gave a talk at the Women’s Economic Forum. On five different occasions now, I have spoken at conferences, and I have been a part of a book called Activate Your Life. So, I am very fortunate. #Burnout @SarahKRoss
- I’ve experienced #Burnout. I was out to the point, I decided to take my own life. And one day, one person made me realize that I have a reason to be here. And the reason was to make sure that there’s somebody else to ask help from. @SarahKRoss
- Conversations should revolve around mental health and where we can actually talk about it as a topic rather than something we try to hide behind or try to call it something else. #Burnout @SarahKRoss
- I like traversing that message to people that it is okay to not be okay and that it is not weak to speak. #Burnout @SarahKRoss
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