
Thought Leader Life 724: Guest David Asarnow



Leverage marketing in monetizing  your business and creating your legacy. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert David Asarnow (, visionary entrepreneur, digital marketing leader, and CEO of Business Nitrogen, the highest award-winning ClickFunnels Certified Consultant. He hosts The Infinite Business Podcast and he has over 7 Two Comma Club Awards and a Two Comma Club X award.

David is passionate about helping entrepreneurs and thought leaders create massive value leverage and profit through his proprietary strategies. He is an authority on monetizing businesses and he has personally sold over $200 million in products, goods and services over the past 25 years, not to mention the millions of dollars his consulting clients have made, building multiple seven and eight-figure businesses in niches that have nothing to do with marketing and advertising even.

If you’re looking to create a successful marketing funnel, consider reaching out to David Asarnow by visiting his websites and

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

  • Business owners and entrepreneurs creating a successful marketing funnel should reach out to David Asarnow. #FunnelMarketing
  • My role is to help you execute your business strategies to increase conversions and amplify profits sustainably. #FunnelMarketing
  • I can teach you how to track the source of every lead coming into your business, calculate the lifetime value of your customer and create marketing designed to convert. #FunnelMarketing
  • With my guidance, I can show you how to monetize your company vision through #FunnelMarketing and accelerate your business results.
  • I can counsel you with high quality strategies to crack the lead generation code in order to unlock modern solutions to your biggest marketing challenges. #FunnelMarketing

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