What Practical Thought Leadership Really Means
For this month, Mitchell Levy (@HappyAbout), The AHA Guy at AHAthat (http://AHAthat.com), is joined by #ThoughtLeader Kent Gustavson (@DrKent), founder and CEO of Blooming Twig Books (http://bloomingtwig.co/). Kent, who is also an award-winning author, musician, and professor, takes his way down to conceptualize and define what Practical Thought Leadership really is, what it takes to become an AHAleader, and how to positively impact other’s lives. Kent and Mitchell, who are both influential AHAleaders, also touch the concept of virality, social media, and hustling. They uncover helpful ideas, tips, and leadership principles on how one can achieve success, give meaning to life, and make a significant change. They both discuss Thought Leadership into detail so it will be more feasible and realistic to individuals, business owners, and start-up companies to appreciate the importance of helping others and leaving a legacy. This episode serves as an eye-opener to those who are planning to build their reputation and set their path to success.
The blog with embedded audio and video:
Watch: https://youtu.be/vkjdKrPNHwI
Listen: http://traffic.libsyn.com/fir/FIRThoughtLeaderMM-120.mp3
In episode 121, Mitchell and Kent converse with #ThoughtLeader Mark Fedeli (@MarkFedeli), Director for Strategy and Business Development of Innovative Decisions, Inc., (http://www.innovativedecisions.com/), a management consulting firm that offers best-value solutions to businesses and government clients. Mark shares his point of view about Thought Leadership by emphasizing the value of resonance. Resonant leaders are those people who use comprehensive skills to build positive relationships, foster a healthy environment, and engage others to achieve a common goal. For him, resonance comes into play when a person is able to lift others regardless of the hindrances that surround them. Mark and Mitchell contribute helpful action points on how to become an effective AHAleader or a person of influence. They give prominence to practical Thought Leadership and how it can help individuals and businesses reach their objectives and share a sense of unity and purpose. They also motivate companies to count on both internal and external sources.
The blog with embedded audio and video:
Watch: https://youtu.be/hrZ-ieT_Y9k
Listen: http://traffic.libsyn.com/fir/FIRThoughtLeaderMM-121.mp3
In episode 122, Mitchell and Kent exchange insights with #ThoughtLeader Lars Clausen, founder of NoPTSD: http://noptsd.com/. Lars is passionate about helping people remove upset emotions and get their lives back on track. This time, he bats around the practicality of Thought Leadership, or is it really practical after all? He emphasizes that to become an effective leader, you don’t need to become ideal but practical. He shares how he personally battle for performing a notion base on theories and ideas instead of doing something more practical and realistic. Lars also speaks about the ICE method (Identify, Calm, Exchange) and how it can help someone surpass the roadblocks to success. Mitchell then shows the Head-Heart-Feet model which is needed by every CEO to efficiently execute ideas and offer functional solutions by stabilizing intellect, emotion, and movement. This episode is a great session for aspiring leaders so they’ll become more knowledgeable towards being an innovator who possesses the ability to make sensible, informative decisions. To be a leader, you need to have a sense of authenticity, balance, and dependability.
The blog with embedded audio and video:
Watch: https://youtu.be/5-5GoOCVvcQ
Listen: http://traffic.libsyn.com/fir/FIRThoughtLeaderMM-122.mp3
In episode 123, Mitchell and Kent have a content-driven discussion with #ThoughtLeader Nadia Sotnikova (@Nadia_Sotnikova), VP of Business Development at Blooming Twig Books (http://bloomingtwig.co/). Referred to as a nomad, growth hacker, and worldpreneur, Nadia shares her point of view towards what practical Thought Leadership is all about. According to her, for you to be able to turn yourself into an AHAleader, you need to make a bang locally. She also takes into consideration the relevance of pursuing a genuine and beneficial content that aims to help businesses and individuals resolve predicaments. The discussion also talks about the significance of using social media tools to allow your content and brand to go viral. You’ll be astonished how the speakers of this episode uncover the important points on how to become a go-to person and become effective in your area of competence. If you are in search for ideas on how to become an impactful leader who builds content that people will look after, then this episode is for you.
The blog with embedded audio and video:
Watch: https://youtu.be/K0nVuxWzL3A
Listen: http://traffic.libsyn.com/fir/FIRThoughtLeaderMM-123.mp3
In the final episode (124), Mitchell sits down again with #ThoughtLeader Kent Gustavson (@DrKent), founder and CEO of Blooming Twig Books (http://bloomingtwig.co/). They deliberate about the various perspectives and standpoints of practical Thought Leadership and what it really refers to. Mitchell and Kent start off the episode with the significant things that makes up an AHAleader, what they do, and how they’ll be able to make a change locally and globally. They inspire would-be AHAleaders to start cultivating a better future by curating authentic and useful content that people will support and pass forward. This session also confers about the three alternatives in building your content: D.I.Y. (Do It Yourself), D.I.F.Y. (Do It For You) and D.I.W.Y. (Do It With You). These options signify that you don’t have to do all the work yourself, you can always build a team that will work with you towards achieving your target. Mitchell and Kent also smudge into how the democratizing influence of the Internet today helps people become more aware, timely, and vigilant.
The blog with embedded audio and video:
Watch: https://youtu.be/ycKEqx5O2-s
Listen: http://traffic.libsyn.com/fir/FIRThoughtLeaderMM-124.mp3
Becoming an AHAleader, a person who drives new ideas and breakthroughs, is truly a beneficial approach that any professional should take. But to be one is neither easy nor undemanding. This month’s episodes are few of the most efficient ways to establish your personal brand, develop your AHAleadership, and build a place where people share the same goals. Step out of your comfort zones, say something new, make something impactful, and start becoming an effective AHAleader today!
To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, feel free to subscribe to the channel: http://youtube.com/user/thoughtleaderlife.
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