Cause Marketing Shifts the Triple Bottom Line
The month of November was a memorable month for #TLL as it hit its 100th episode. Recognizing this milestone, Mitchell Levy issued a shout-out to his former co-host, @ MichaelProcopio, and all #ThoughtLeaders who guested in the past shows. Mitchell’s co-host for this month is Kami Huyse (@kamichat), chief executive officer of Zoetica Media (http://www.zoeticamedia.com). She expounded on cause marketing and how companies are able to hit the triple bottom line by using it. Episode 100 presented a fitting introduction of the month’s shows.
The blog with embedded audio and video: https://thoughtleaderlife.com/thoughtleaderlife/thought-leader-life-100-co-host-kami-huyse/
Watch: https://youtu.be/mgGu0lQfJMY
Listen: http://traffic.libsyn.com/fir/FIRThoughtLeaderMM-100.mp3
In episode 101, Mitchell and Kami exchanged insights with David Hessekiel, president of Cause Marketing Forum, Inc. (http://www.causemarketingforum.com). In the interview, David defined cause marketing as a wide variety of commercial activity that aligns a company or brand with a cause in order to generate business and social outcomes. It is really about integration of trying to do well by doing good. Corporate social responsibility covers the concepts and ethos that cause marketing is bringing to life. Examples were cited to show how cause marketing is being done through their company, training key people on how to do cause marketing through various channels. It was also pointed out that a company can adopt a very personal or meaningful cause that can generate empathy from customers. It should not seem frivolous or promotional. There should be creativity in identifying what channels and tools to use and how your cause marketing can make a big difference.
The blog with embedded audio and video: https://thoughtleaderlife.com/thoughtleaderlife/thought-leader-life-101-guest-david-hessekiel/
Watch: https://youtu.be/j9gvmyU3Uyg
Listen: http://traffic.libsyn.com/fir/FIRThoughtLeaderMM-101.mp3
In Episode 102, #ThoughtLeader Steve Van Wormer, co-founder and president of PhAware (http://www.phaware.global), joined the show to talk about the awareness campaign for Pulmonary Hypertension, or PH. Many corporations have gravitated to the campaign for PH Awareness as a result of Steve and his team’s creative ways of marketing the cause. One of the things Steve did was to attract technology companies to produce video ads about PH, which simultaneously allowed them to showcase their technology. He noted that the greatest measurement for success is when you are able to truly help a single patient by capturing their attention and making them aware of support groups, research, and other information that could help them get through PH. The ultimate measurement is when you are really able to grab someone though the various technologies you are using and to make other partners be involved in helping that person.
The blog with embedded audio and video: https://thoughtleaderlife.com/thoughtleaderlife/thought-leader-life-102-guest-steve-van-wormer/
Watch: https://youtu.be/8_vDkfns8Es
Listen: http://traffic.libsyn.com/fir/FIRThoughtLeaderMM-102.mp3
In Episode 103, Mitchell and Kami made a twist to the usual #TLL format as Mitchell became the interviewee, along with Dr. Jay Apte, owner of VedaFoods (http://www.vedafoods.com). Having been convinced of the benefits of Veda Foods, Mitchell said the partnership with Dr. Jay Apte’s company in cause marketing is about enabling nonprofits to bring the benefits of Veda Foods to their own membership. With almost 30 percent of Americans diagnosed as either diabetic or pre-diabetic, Veda Foods is helping many people live and eat healthier as it promotes the complete approach of ayurvedic medicine. Kami noted that the first thing to do when doing cause marketing with nonprofits is to determine the objectives and identify the people you are trying to reach. It’s also important to discuss with the cause marketing partner, such as the nonprofit, the stakes and advantages that each will get out of the campaign. Set clear metrics, and you will be able to measure success. In cause marketing, it’s best to find your “superpower” and use that to reach out to the community.
The blog with embedded audio and video: https://thoughtleaderlife.com/thoughtleaderlife/thought-leader-life-103-guest-dr-jay-apte/
Watch: https://youtu.be/-thJBfvo_jA
Listen: http://traffic.libsyn.com/fir/FIRThoughtLeaderMM-103.mp3
In the final episode on cause marketing, #ThoughtLeader Beth Kanter talked about how nonprofit organizations can become the best cause marketers by taking care of their people. Beth called it “self-care for nonprofits” and noted that organizations that do cause marketing need to find ways to prevent burnout among their people. Many nonprofits fail to realize the importance of healthcare and being physically fit in achieving the overall objective of the organization. In fact, to achieve the change they want, people in nonprofits might work for 20 hours to the point of burnout. Healthcare is one of the things given the least priority, especially for groups with a tight budget. But as Kami pointed out, there are ways to pay for healthcare. For example, a company that wants to engage in cause marketing can support the healthcare program of their chosen nonprofit and thus help a nonprofit do better work.
The blog with embedded audio and video: https://thoughtleaderlife.com/thoughtleaderlife/thought-leader-life-104-guest-beth-kanter/
Watch: https://youtu.be/AURavsHLSUM
Listen: http://traffic.libsyn.com/fir/FIRThoughtLeaderMM-104.mp3
The four episodes highlighted the importance of cause marketing in driving success for any company. Cause marketing allows a company to hit its triple bottom line and make a difference not only to a specific set of people or communities but also to the world.
Join us again in the next episode of #TLL, where we will have Stacy Feiner as co-host.
Join us every Saturday at 11 am PT / 2 pm ET / 7 pm GMT at YouTube.com/user/ThoughtLeaderLife
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