How to Build Your Expertise with AHAbooks
For this month, Mitchell Levy (@HappyAbout), The AHA Guy at AHAthat (http://AHAthat.com), discusses how to quickly establish your ability in writing an AHAbook in as fast as 20 minutes to 10 hours. He shares important points on What-Where-When-Why-Who-and-How to write convincing AHAmessages that will catch your readers’ attention and give your customers quick yet efficient answers to their problems or concerns. These AHAmessages are composed of 140 bite-sized quotes that can be easily shared on different social media channels including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+. Mitchell also emphasizes that for you to be able to strengthen your influence, you have to curate content, help and inspire your readers, and keep yourself updated with the current trends and techniques. This month’s TLL episodes focus on helping would-be authors how to effectively write their first AHAbook and how to promote themselves to their audiences as an AHAleader. With an AHAbook, you will be able to get in touch with more people and share topics that get you excited about the easier way.
The blog with embedded audio and video:
Watch: https://youtu.be/OGHVORmDgrw
Listen: http://traffic.libsyn.com/fir/FIRThoughtLeaderMM-115.mp3
In episode 116, Mitchell has an exchange of views with #ThoughtLeader Carly Alyssa Thorne (@CarlyAThorne), a collaborative Empowerment Implementer & Muse who lives her life to liberate and inspire others. Being passionate about conscious business collaborations, Carly agrees that writing an AHAbook is an extensively helpful way to introduce your business to potential clients. She also points out that anyone can write a book despite of age, gender, position, or belief; you need no permission, no tests to take, and no license required. You can write anywhere, anytime either at lunch, at work, after attending a conference, or as soon as your kids go to sleep. You just have to figure out what you want to write about, what topics you want to share, or what are the things that you are interested in doing. Because of the easy platform that AHAthat (http://AHAthat.com) offers, Carly is able to make her own AHAbook in two hours. How long do think yours will take?
The blog with embedded audio and video:
Watch: https://youtu.be/vGZtw1e5msw
Listen: http://traffic.libsyn.com/fir/FIRThoughtLeaderMM-116.mp3
In episode 117, Mitchell converses with #ThoughtLeader Tiffany Voung (@TiffanyVoung), author of the AHAbook “Millennial Pet Peeves” and Vice President of Communications in AIESEC, the largest student-run organization in the world. Being one of those who belong in the Millennial Generation also called as Echo Boomers or Digital Natives, Tiffany shares the relevance, advantage, and even risks of the Internet and social media. She also puts into picture her experience in writing her first AHAbook including the strains that she has faced and surpassed and the success of being able to finish it. She loves the uncomplicated platform that AHAthat offers and how it changed her from being a reserved person to a self-assured individual who has a sizable network and is passionate about helping others. Tiffany and Mitchell discuss into detail the process of effectively writing an AHAbook and how it can help people become successful in their chosen pace.
The blog with embedded audio and video:
Watch: https://youtu.be/kzRw9QwR-PY
Listen: http://traffic.libsyn.com/fir/FIRThoughtLeaderMM-117.mp3
In episode 118, Mitchell exchanges insights with #ThoughtLeader Dr. Tianna Conte (@DrTianna), a seasoned Self-Evolution Mentor and Founder of Infinite Possibilities Productions (http://www.infinitepossibilitiesproductions.com/). Being spontaneous and energetic, Dr. Tianna deliberates about how the AHAthat platform serves as a great innovation in helping would-be authors accomplish their goals in the shortest time and least expense possible. She also discloses beneficial points on how one can successfully write their first book without spending too much time thinking about it. She says that figuring out what you really want to write and what gets you excited about does really matter in breaking that concept inside you. Dr. Tianna and Mitchell also speak about how everybody can become an AHAleader, a person who makes an impact and difference in the community and in the lives of the people around him. They also reveal all the powerful possibilities that AHAbook offers.
The blog with embedded audio and video:
Watch: https://youtu.be/EG1Ro67xlRw
Listen: http://traffic.libsyn.com/fir/FIRThoughtLeaderMM-118.mp3
In the final episode (119), Mitchell conducts a thought-provoking conference with #ThoughtLeader Jeff Shavitz (@JeffShavitz), CEO of TrafficJamming, (http://trafficjamming.com/), a company that provides efficient solutions to growing your business. Jeff, who is passionate about helping entrepreneurs and independent business owners succeed, exhibits the fundamentals of writing a book using the simple and user-friendly system of AHAthat. He shares how AHAbook strengthen his relationship with his daughter, Lexi, when they put heads together in making the book “Mom & Dad, I Promise I’ll Get into College – Perspectives from a High School Student and Her Dad”. He also encourages those who want to become authors to pursue their passion, establish credibility, and make a difference. Jeff and Mitchell also talk about how AHAbooks serve as a good stepping stone towards reaching ones’ goals, both personal and financial. They also discuss the advantages of AHAbooks over traditional books.
The blog with embedded audio and video:
Watch: https://youtu.be/kzu28Utsfuk
Listen: http://traffic.libsyn.com/fir/FIRThoughtLeaderMM-119.mp3
If you’ve got ideas on what to write about but don’t know how to start or how many words to burn or chapters to make, then consider listening to these five episodes of #TLL so you’ll understand how AHAthat changed the traditional way of writing a book. Be knowledgeable, authentic, and put your book into writing today!
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