The Importance of Being Teachable and Willing to Change
For this month, Mitchell Levy (@HappyAbout), The AHA Guy at AHAthat (http://AHAthat.com), is joined by #ThoughtLeader Brett Labit (@BrettLabitsr), Chief Empowerment Officer of WEVO Global (http://www.wevoglobal.com). Brett and Mitchell, who are both influential AHALeaders, focus on the shifting from the old paradigm to the new paradigm. They tackle the very definition of success and how success can be achieved by being open to learn, by being teachable, and by having the willingness to change. Brett elaborates how these traits need to be present in someone who is or aspires to be a leader. They both discuss Thought Leadership in detail to help individuals, business people, entrepreneurs, and companies uncover their full potential and achieve success. This episode (130) gives helpful ideas, tips, and words of wisdom to those who seek the path to success and are open to change in order to achieve it.
The blog with embedded audio and video:
Watch: https://youtu.be/h7cHOCahRoM
Listen: http://traffic.libsyn.com/fir/FIRthoughtLeaderMM-130.mp3
In episode 131, Mitchell and Brett converse with #ThoughtLeader Tom Gay (@thomasgayrefer), founder, CEO, and chairman of Refer.com (http://refer.com/company/)whichhelps people find golden opportunities through referrals from people whom they genuinely trust and have a meaningful connection with. Tom shares his point of view on how having a “tribe” or a referral team you trust can help you grow your business tenfold. He explains why building meaningful relationships can help you do a better job of reaching your goals and that we need to focus on meaning, purpose, connection, and engagement. Brett gives us two important questions linked to building a culture of trust: how to bring about “teachability” and how to continually be willing to change. For Tom, it’s counting the cost of staying where you are and understanding why you need to change to become successful.
The blog with embedded audio and video:
Watch: https://youtu.be/Eu9CBuk-S1I
Listen: http://traffic.libsyn.com/fir/FIRthoughtLeaderMM-131.mp3
In episode 132, Mitchell and Brett exchange insights with #ThoughtLeader John Jantsch (@DuctTape), president of Duct Tape Marketing (http://www.johnjantsch.com).He is a sought-after speaker, an author of five marketing and business books, and a consultant working with small and medium-sized business owners. John developed the Duct Tape Marketing methodology now being used by consultants worldwide.He points out that obsessing over customer happiness and providing the best customer service is a better goal than being obsessed with technology. Because of today’s technology, we sometimes lose touch in how to bring value to our clients. Brett surmises that the world has moved from a push society to a pull society. Part of the teachable moment for us as businesses is to be aware of how, where, and what our customers are pulling and how we can be there to ask the right questions and really create happiness moments. That’s what being in business is all about: learning how to evolve with time.
The blog with embedded audio and video:
Watch: https://youtu.be/y1MCp9ZAGms
In episode 133, Mitchell and Brett have a content-driven discussion with #ThoughtLeader John King (@FlowDaddy13), founder of The Cultural Hero Project and the founding partner and CEO of Cultural Architecture (http://www.culturalarchitecture.com). In this day and age, you need to get everybody to work together if you want to reach the top. As a leader, you must ask yourself, “Is my way of leading people the most efficient and productive?” That’s how you can determine if a change is needed and what the next step to take is. John discusses how important authentic leadership is in leading a team toward success. He points out that people who work together and collaborate are far more productive and successful. It’s the leader’s job to understand this and get everyone’s intelligence on it to reach their common purpose or goal. Brett talks about how the concept of tribes is clearly shown nowadays and why a tribe, which functions as one unit, is the key to many economic and social issues.
The blog with embedded audio and video:
Watch: https://youtu.be/UEsO-4W7blE
Listen: http://traffic.libsyn.com/fir/FIRthoughtLeaderMM-133.mp3
In the final episode (134), Mitchell andBrett are joined by #ThoughtLeader Don Boyer. Don is afilmmaker, motivational speaker, author of the best-selling book series,“The Power of Mentorship,” and founder of Carnegie Principle (https://www.carnegieprinciple.com). They exchange insights and ideas on being successful on the inside and the outside and how important it is for entrepreneurs to be open and teachable. Don discusses how business people and entrepreneurs need to keep an open mind in order to absorb new information and new ideas. You can impact people by setting off a signalthat’s both high and positive enough that it makes them want to listen and learn. By keeping an openthought process, you allow yourself to absorb new information thatcan help you further develop yourself as an individual and help others grow as well. They all agree that no matter the times, we mustpursue growth and success. Life is a continuous process, and it’s important that we grow along with it.
The blog with embedded audio and video:
Watch: https://youtu.be/MzLQDMgiGqU
Listen: http://traffic.libsyn.com/fir/FIRThoughtLeaderMM-134.mp3
Becoming an AHAleader, a person who drives new ideas and breakthroughs, is truly a beneficial approach that any professional should take. But to be one is neither easy nor undemanding. This month’s episodes are a few of the most efficient ways to establish your personal brand, develop your AHAleadership, and build a place where people share the same goals. Step out of your comfort zones, say something new, make something impactful, and start becoming an effective AHAleader today!
To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, feel free to subscribe to the channel: http://youtube.com/user/thoughtleaderlife.
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